Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Well, our outreach is done. I leave the country on Wednesday, and our team is getting in some last minute shopping and lion-petting before we go. It's been amazing, and here's another testimony:
Just as last week's all-night "Urban Campout" with the Salvation Army yielded much fruit, this past Friday was amazing as well. Around 50 people from the Salvation Army, YWAM, and Exodus Cry came together on the streets of a neighborhood in Jo'burg. We started worshipping and praying around our campfires at 11pm, and prayer walks started around 12:30. Groups of about 12 at a time walked through the neighborhood praying and talking to those on the streets. I went with a team of YWAM Argentina folks around 1am. After walking a few blocks from the base we spotted a girl standing in the shadows in front of a house. As we approached, she turned around and walked inside the gate. As I gestured to say hello to her, I found that she wasn't alone- she was standing behind her pimp. I left my hello, and we kept walking. As the team behind us stopped to talk more with them, we stood on the sidewalk and prayed for what to do next. One of our girls didn't feel safe on the dark street we were standing on, and as we were praying and discerning what we should do next, a girl came out of the dark, crossed the street, and said hi. She seemed to be under the influence of what we later found was drugs. She stood before us in her mini skirt while we were shivering with our coats, gloves and scarves. We talked with her for a while, putting together her story. She is 32 years old, and has two children that were taken from her a while ago. She's been here on the streets for about 10 years, and at the time was living with a Nigerian down the street who was supplying her drugs. As the conversation went on, we asked if she wanted to be here and liked selling herself, and her answer to both was no. While under a street light, she showed me the bruises on her thighs which she got from the pimp down the street. Charles, the man in our team, was persistent in telling Nadia that there is a way out. Eventually, breakthrough happened, and the reality of leaving the business hit her. She finally said that she was ready to leave, and she wanted to go to the Safe House. She wept as our people went to fetch the vehicle that would take her away to safety. Life came into her eyes as she began dreaming again. Her biggest dream was seeing her children again. She also got excited at the idea of getting a job, getting off drugs, and seeing her mother again. During the 45-minute ride to the Safe House, we prayed for her, affirmed her dreams, and I got to chat with her woman-to-woman. During our conversation, she reached into her dress and gave me her drug pipe. She was done.
Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite song is a South African song that I can't pronounce and she was too shy to sing.
We arrived at the Safe House at 3am, and left Nadia and her rose, covered in prayer and love.
A testimony about prayer: When asked why she decided to leave tonight instead of the many other nights she's been given the same opportunity, she said, "I don't know, something just felt different in my heart tonight." Her heart had changed. She could feel it changing as she spoke, she knew something was different. We told her that was God speaking to her heart, and she smiled a beautiful smile. She knew that God was with her. Just that morning in prayer, we had prayed for God to go before us and prepare hearts. We prayed for changed lives. This woman was ready, and her life was changed.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Adventures in Hillbrow

Wow. I’ve had a CRAZY week. We arrived in Hillbrow four days ago after two days on the road from Cape Town. Missing Cape Town already, but I’ll get back there someday…
Hillbrow, Day 1: We attended training with an organization called MES (mes.org.za) that focuses on reaching the people of Hillbrow, and joined them in the afternoon for outreach. We set up in a busy marketplace and participated in a public art activity that attracted quite a large crowd. About 8 people came to accept Christ that day, hallelujah! That night, we joined with the Salvation Army to do an all-night worship and prayer night called the Urban Campout in a “dodgy” neighborhood in Jo’burg known for brothels and drug trafficking. We watched Ghana tragicly lose to Uruguay (so sad…), then hit the streets from 11pm till 4:30 in the morning. We prayed and worshipped a lot, but the part of the night that sticks out to me most was the prayer walk. A large group of us circled the neighborhood, praying for the area and keeping our eyes out for any prostitutes or other people the Lord would highlight to us. God set up many divine appointments for us that night. Highlights: many of our team members talked with a certain prostitute that really burdened our hearts. We saw her throughout the night, encouraging her when we could and praying for her freedom. We got news that the next morning, her and a friend both called the Salvation Army to be taken to a Safe House, where they are now. Two more women out of the hands of their pimps, AMEN!!! Also, at about 2 am, God led us to a convenience store in the neighborhood where we discovered a man sitting on a crate, half-conscious. He had been shot in the arm, thrown out of his vehicle, and his car hijacked. He had been sitting in that store for quite some time and nobody had bothered to help him. We were able to call the ambulance for him and keep him awake and as comfortable as possible until the medics arrived 40 minutes later. While waiting, several men came in that spoke words of condemnation over him, telling him he should just die- one man even offered to finish the job himself, but our men quickly ushered him out of the store. We were also able to talk with him yesterday, and he was released from the hospital, expected to fully recover. I’m so thankful we were able to be there that night, I’m sure that his story would have had a much different outcome…
Because of the switch in ministry covering, we moved our lodging to a (much safer, cozier) Christian retreat center outside Jo’burg, and are currently re-routing our plans for the last week. Yesterday, the 4th was somewhat of a Sabbath for us- we were given extra-long devotional time and a nice Independence Day braai (barbecue). The alone and quiet time was much needed, especially out on these beautiful premises. The cow smell reminds me of home! ☺
Today turned out to be a very interesting day. We spent 4 hours in worship and intercession this morning. This afternoon we walked the streets of Hillbrow, praying for the neighborhoods and asking him for specific places and areas to intercede for. Last time God led us to pray for a brothel, it was shut down (google the Arabesque Club raid), so today we were expectant. During our walk, Our team of 6 strolled into this building called “Entertainment Centre”. Before we knew it, we had just received free admission into the most well-known strip club in the city, and were ushered upstairs to be shown how the entire business works. Two men and a woman from our team went into the bar to pray and talk to a few (mostly clothed) girls while the other 3 of us girls ventured into the area where the “show” was going on. We spent some time talking to many of the girls and got a lot of insight into how the industry works and how this particular club was set up. It was incredible how much favor we got; we were able to talk to any of the girls freely, we spent much time talking with the manager who invited our team back any time for free admission (which doesn’t happen anywhere!). The 11-story strip club has each level featuring its own “show” room, bar, and several rooms for rent. The manager bragged that this was the only club in the world to receive free advertising in Playboy, indicating how highly-esteemed they are globally. This could be the club that changes the sex industry, not just in Jo’burg or South Africa, but in the world!!! Our team is seeking wisdom on how to handle this shocking open-door opportunity. So PLEASE, lots of prayer for wisdom and guidance in this. Pray that these open doors would stay open as long as it takes for breakthrough. Pray for our discernment and safety. Pray that the abortion clinic located on the first floor of this building would be shut down.
I can’t believe how quickly this trip has gone by, but there’s still so much work to do!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Update- June 16

Hi! I don't have very long, but I'll tell you a few stories. A week ago we stopped by a city called Bloemfontein to join with a local ministry who's been ministering to prostitutes and trafficked people for the past 4 years. These people are SO bold, saying that they will do whatever they need to do, even if it changes only one life. So we hit the streets with them for something of a training night for us. We watched them pull women out of sports bars and have us talk with them and pray for them. The experience was a little frightening, but so encouraging. Other members of my team were part of taking a woman home that night. The woman went home to her husband and found that that night he had gotten a job- their finances were turning around, she won't need to go to the streets anymore!!! They weren't really Christians before, but were so open to the Gospel that they accepted Christ into their lives that night.
We've also talked with many homeless people, more prostitutes, children who are probably trafficked, and fans that we've talked to about Jesus and human trafficking. It's been very fruitful so far, and I'm so excited for more.
Today, we're going to visit a safe house where trafficked women are staying, and go to the stadium here in Durban to raise awareness and minister. We're also hitting the streets tonight to minister to prostitutes and their pimps and Johns.
Please be praying for our health (people are on the verge of getting sick), unity as a team, and continued prayers for our safety. It's been incredible how God has worked out our safety through all we've done. He's given wonderful strategy and kept our eyes keen. When I am afraid, I will trust in him!!!
I love you and miss you, and be sure to say a cheer for South Africa! I don't know if American TV tells you this, but their team name is Bafana Bafana (the guys the guys), and the loud horn things you hear are called vuvuzelas (really annoying after a while here...), and the way to cheer in a goal here is shouting Laduma! (but you say it Laduuuuuuuuuuuuuma)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My first week in South Africa

Hello everybody! Sorry it took me so long to get on, it didn't want to let me sign on in South Africa... :)
My first week in South Africa has been wonderful. My first night in Kansas City with my teammate Amy was awesome. Jaye Thomas (amazing worship leader) came over for dinner, then we went to the Awakening at IHOP-KC where God touched me in so many ways. I also saw Trisha, who I met in Tacoma 6 weeks before and Kim Cross. It was so cool to see so many people I knew or recognized in that atmosphere, while fellowshipping with genuine people that I had never seen before.
The flight went pretty well, I think I slept most of the 4 of us, and jetlag wasn't too terrible.
The first week has been filled with struggles, spiritual battles, and so many triumphs! All of our team instantly clicked, and we care for each other very well. All praise to God!
Quick stories:
Two nights ago our team joined a ministry in Bloemfontein to minister to prostitutes and trafficked women. I prayed with a girl named Sophia, and she was struggling to hold back tears. Shadrack, one of the South Africans, told me that this was the universal love language, and she understood it. I was so encouraged and humbled.
More stories next time I can log on! Gotta go, bye!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leaving tomorrow!!!

Hello all! I'm leaving for Kansas City tomorrow, where I will meet up with 3 girls from my trip. We'll leave for Africa together Friday morning.
I'm very excited (and a little nervous), and have A LOT to do before then.
Please be praying for safe travels, and that we are able to adjust to the time and climate of South Africa well, and that our mission will be accomplished. I love you all, and will miss you!
Thanks to every body for all your support.
God bless!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Yes, victory! A news report came out today that 21 Thai women between the ages of 23-27 who are believed to have been smuggled into South Africa for the purposes of forced prostitution have been rescued today from an illegal brothel. One man has been arrested, and all the involved are scheduled for questioning.
Just think, these 21 women will not have to go through the horrors of being sold several times a day during the World Cup. That's a victory, and it came through our prayers.
Keep praying, He's answering!!!

Here's the URL: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hokCp16IGwGbO7PE05_2H09q-DcQ

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spiritual Preparations, pt. 2

God is so good. Through His grace, I was able to recognize all the struggles mentioned in the last blog as not a personal problem, but a spiritual problem. With that, I took these realizations to God and broke them off me. I noticed that throughout that day, my joy had come back. I had fun at my really long shift at work, and had really great talks with my coworkers about God. It's amazing what happens when one addresses the fights of the spiritual. I'm going to need those skills in South Africa.
Finals week went pretty well. I had a lot to do, and not much time to do it. I wrote two papers, gave a presentation, conducted an interview and attended one, and took two exams.
Currently, I'm at home in Sunnyside resting and hanging out with my family. I went to my home church (Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church) yesterday and was commissioned and blessed by them. That was a really great experience, collecting hugs and best wishes from my (church) family. My home church helped raise me and teach me, so it was really important for me to have their support.
I was given another $110, which brings my total remaining to $500. I know I'm cutting it really close financially, but if I weren't I wouldn't have the story that I'm about to tell... Trusting Him always makes for a great story!

For those of you out there who are interested in supporting me financially, my family will be collecting my mail and depositing donations sent to the following addresses: PO Box 105, Sunnyside, WA 98944 OR 14517 Spanaway Loop Rd S, Tacoma, WA 98444. The last $450 that I need will be used during the trip, so donations collected between now and July will still be needed and used.
Thank you to all who are reading this and are interested in this area of justice. By supporting me, you're supporting a movement of young, fiery-hearted Christians who want justice ON HIS TERMS. This concept is key to how effective I will be in my career in Social Work- in my power, I can only bring about small, fleeting victories in justice. But with God's power, I can move mountains.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spiritual Preparations

Boy, these last couple weeks have been hard! Despite me KNOWING that it's God's plan for me to go on this trip, I've been struggling in many areas- time management, humility, and joyfulness. It's been extremely difficult to focus on schoolwork when all I want to do is plan, pack, and make phone calls for my trip. I've had to confront my thoughts when I would notice self-exalting thoughts and feelings. God is so faithful and gentle to remind me that this trip is NOT ABOUT ME, but about Him and His mercy and glory. I feel like my joyfulness has been attacked as well. Of course, I have had times of joy, but have been finding lately that many of my reactions to things have been very negative. This is not me!
In a time when his joy would be my strength, how convenient is it for the enemy that I wouldn't be able to feel it! In a time when humility is required to demonstrate the power of God, it would be fitting for me to be haughty. In a time when getting into the quiet place is so essential, it works out pretty well for my enemy that I have too much on my plate.
Isn't God's mercy so great! Even in times of struggle, he's faithful to reveal what I'm struggling against so that I can defeat it in his name! Ahahaaa, I have the victory in Christ Jesus! He gives me everything I need. He is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fundraising Testimony Nugget!

A really cool testimony to share with you:
I was talking to my prayer buddy at church, the sweetest lady I've ever met. She tells me she prays for me every day, and I believe her! I told her all about the trip on Sunday, and before I was done explaining, her face lit up, and she asked if she could write me a check for $20. She told me she knew it wasn't much, but it was what she could give, and she knew that God would multiply it.
The next day, I talked with two of my brothers who both told me they could give around $200. Then Tuesday at Ignite, friends donated $200 of checks and cash! And today, I was told that donated textbooks had sold for $120, and I received two donations that totaled $90. So today another $210 came in! It is so cool how God works. He's got this whole thing figured out, and I just get to enjoy watching the process.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Financial Update!

So I sent off my final payment to Exodus Cry today! Yippee! However, I paid for my time in South Africa separately from my plane ticket, which is a personal transaction. I borrowed $2000 from my Dad to buy my plane ticket, and still need $1500 in order to leave for Africa on June 3rd debt-free.
With the final preparations coming together, it seems like costs are popping up all over, yet I still trust that God is my provider and I will be provided for.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Soon to be in South Africa!!!

It's not too long now, and I'll be on my way to South Africa! Tomorrow starts Dead Week (week before finals) here at PLU, and it's been challenging trying to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and trip preparations. But through God's grace, things have been coming together on all sides!

The following is a description of my trip:
Exodus Cry is “an international anti-trafficking organization committed to abolishing modern day slavery and assisting the victims of human trafficking and slavery through rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration into society” (Exoduscry.com). With this mission, they are organizing a trip to South Africa during the World Cup this summer to pray for the ending of human trafficking and justice for the victims. Another purpose of the trip is to minister to the trafficked and to raise awareness about the horrors of sex tourism. It is estimated that as many as 100,000 young women and children will be trafficked into South Africa to service the massive amounts of tourists in the region at this time, and an estimated 40,000 are already present in preparation for this event.
Several factors contribute to this problem: (1) globalization that allows for easy transport of people, (2) global poverty levels that provoke women to sell themselves or their children in order to survive, and (3) the global demand for sex due to pornography viewing and the growing legitimacy of prostitution as a career.
Needless, to say, the issue is very complicated and emotionally-charged.