Saturday, June 12, 2010

My first week in South Africa

Hello everybody! Sorry it took me so long to get on, it didn't want to let me sign on in South Africa... :)
My first week in South Africa has been wonderful. My first night in Kansas City with my teammate Amy was awesome. Jaye Thomas (amazing worship leader) came over for dinner, then we went to the Awakening at IHOP-KC where God touched me in so many ways. I also saw Trisha, who I met in Tacoma 6 weeks before and Kim Cross. It was so cool to see so many people I knew or recognized in that atmosphere, while fellowshipping with genuine people that I had never seen before.
The flight went pretty well, I think I slept most of the 4 of us, and jetlag wasn't too terrible.
The first week has been filled with struggles, spiritual battles, and so many triumphs! All of our team instantly clicked, and we care for each other very well. All praise to God!
Quick stories:
Two nights ago our team joined a ministry in Bloemfontein to minister to prostitutes and trafficked women. I prayed with a girl named Sophia, and she was struggling to hold back tears. Shadrack, one of the South Africans, told me that this was the universal love language, and she understood it. I was so encouraged and humbled.
More stories next time I can log on! Gotta go, bye!


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. I know God will continue to work through you to touch more women. May He protect you and give you strength in whatever you face. I believe in you and what you are doing. Be blessed! You are in my prayers. Love, Tali

  2. We have been praying for you! @ home and @ ihop-nw. Can't wait to see you and hear all of your reports! You are a blessing, anointed woman of God with lots of love and passion. Go do what He made you for Dianna! You are in His will!

  3. Miss you sis, and that's amazing!! Keep us updated on the small details that make your mission tangible to us. May God bless you as you continue to pray for more broken young women. Love you!
