Sunday, May 16, 2010

Soon to be in South Africa!!!

It's not too long now, and I'll be on my way to South Africa! Tomorrow starts Dead Week (week before finals) here at PLU, and it's been challenging trying to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and trip preparations. But through God's grace, things have been coming together on all sides!

The following is a description of my trip:
Exodus Cry is “an international anti-trafficking organization committed to abolishing modern day slavery and assisting the victims of human trafficking and slavery through rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration into society” ( With this mission, they are organizing a trip to South Africa during the World Cup this summer to pray for the ending of human trafficking and justice for the victims. Another purpose of the trip is to minister to the trafficked and to raise awareness about the horrors of sex tourism. It is estimated that as many as 100,000 young women and children will be trafficked into South Africa to service the massive amounts of tourists in the region at this time, and an estimated 40,000 are already present in preparation for this event.
Several factors contribute to this problem: (1) globalization that allows for easy transport of people, (2) global poverty levels that provoke women to sell themselves or their children in order to survive, and (3) the global demand for sex due to pornography viewing and the growing legitimacy of prostitution as a career.
Needless, to say, the issue is very complicated and emotionally-charged.

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