Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spiritual Preparations

Boy, these last couple weeks have been hard! Despite me KNOWING that it's God's plan for me to go on this trip, I've been struggling in many areas- time management, humility, and joyfulness. It's been extremely difficult to focus on schoolwork when all I want to do is plan, pack, and make phone calls for my trip. I've had to confront my thoughts when I would notice self-exalting thoughts and feelings. God is so faithful and gentle to remind me that this trip is NOT ABOUT ME, but about Him and His mercy and glory. I feel like my joyfulness has been attacked as well. Of course, I have had times of joy, but have been finding lately that many of my reactions to things have been very negative. This is not me!
In a time when his joy would be my strength, how convenient is it for the enemy that I wouldn't be able to feel it! In a time when humility is required to demonstrate the power of God, it would be fitting for me to be haughty. In a time when getting into the quiet place is so essential, it works out pretty well for my enemy that I have too much on my plate.
Isn't God's mercy so great! Even in times of struggle, he's faithful to reveal what I'm struggling against so that I can defeat it in his name! Ahahaaa, I have the victory in Christ Jesus! He gives me everything I need. He is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

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